The Fall - Repetition is fresh jam. 9 minutes ago
Right noise.
We're gonna get real speedy
We're gonna wear black all the time
You're gonna make it on your own.
Cos we dig
Cos we dig
We dig
We dig repetition
We dig repetition
We dig repetition in the music
And we're never going to lose it.
All you daughters and sons
who are sick of fancy music
We dig repetition
Repetition in the drums
and we're never going to lose it.
This is the three R's
The three R's:
Repetition, Repetition, Repetition
Oh mental hospitals
Oh mental hospitals
They put electrodes in your brain
And you're never the same
You don't dig repetition
You don't love repetition
Repetition in the music and we're never going to loose it
President Carter loves repetition
Chairman Mao he dug repetition
Repetition in China
Repetition in America
Repetition in West Germany
Simultaneous suicide
We dig it, we dig it,
we dig it, we dig it
Repetition, repetition, repetition
There is no hesitation
This is your situation
Continue a blank generation
Blank generation
Same old blank generation
Grooving blank generation
Swinging blank generation
Repetition, repetition, repetition....
Trial and error.
Explain how you match the pairs.

Various - Test Patterns LP Hi-Test HIT5981, 1981
(Felons - Love 'N' Skank / Zanti Misfits - Holier Than Thou / Trained
Animal - U.R.A. Girl / Mopeds - Woe Is Me / Oozkicks - Unknown / Swift
Kick - Blushin' Russian Girl / Strikers - Kick Around // Oozkicks - I'm
So Young / Swift Kick - Unpredictable / Mopeds - She's A Mongrel /
Strikers - Knock It Down / Felons - Dancing School / Zanti Misfits -
Bachelor's Friend / Trained Animal - When You Dance With Me)
Not too hot. The Strikers tracks are the best IMHO.[SE]
SECAM composite waveforms of D'R and D'B lines
One of my neighbors thinks we are trash and the other one doesn't. If you see them you should try to guess which one is which. They live together if that helps.
A clandestine radio station usually sounds like any other broadcasting station. However "legitimate" a clandestine station might sound, however, it is "extralegal" and deceptive in its operation. Here are some key elements that distinguish a clandestine broadcaster from "ordinary" broadcasters:
- Clandestine broadcasters are deceptive. They often lie about their location, sponsoring government or organization, and their intentions. Programming is essentially propaganda, and may largely be half-truths or outright lies.
- Clandestine broadcasters aim to bring about political changes or actions in a target country. They may want to incite revolution in another country or simply to influence the populace of the target country to be more sympathetic toward the country or organization operating the clandestine.
on on rebate
"The Year of the Coupon"
Everything you buy needs to have a coupon discount.
Even though they do not operate on any fixed schedule or frequencies known to the public, numbers stations are really very easy to hear. Just tune outside the established shortwave broadcasting or ham radio bands and you'll hear several with patient tuning. While numbers stations can be heard any time on any frequencies, most seem to be heard in North America during the evening and night hours on frequencies from 3 to 12 MHz.
Most numbers stations heard in North America transmit in Spanish. Other languages often heard include English, German, and scattered other languages such as Chinese and Russian. Almost all will use a woman's voice, although on rare occasions a man's voice might be used. You will quickly notice that the numbers you hear sound much like the "intercept" messages used by telephone companies to give out new numbers when you dial a discontinued number, and a similar technology is obviously in use to generate numbers messages.